Monday, May 26, 2008

Indigenous Tribes of Baja Calfornia Ignore Ban on Fishing
Claiming ancient tribal rites, the Cucapah fishing community has a long running battle with Federal Mexican authority over Gulf Corvina fishing in the northern Sea of Cortez. Federal authorities confiscate 9 tons of gulf corvina from a Cucapah fishing village, ammounting to three days harvest. The Gulf Corvina species is under pressure of extinction and fishing for the species is prohibited from may through August, the species spawning season. In a failure to accept that times have changed and the species has been fished to near extinction, the locals persist in fishing the northern Sea well into mid July. The northern Sea, once a bountiful marine environment has been fished so clean that comemrcial operations have all but ceased in the region. Increased Mexican Navy and Fisheries enforcment is expected in the area before the middle of June.
Northwest Mexico Showdown on Indigenous Fishing Rights

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Acidification of the Oceans increases at an Alarming Rate
Not only is man's impact on the environment adding to the dilemma of climate change, but now researches have associated the acidic waters caused by the burning of fossil fuels are contributing to the dropping pH of the oceans. Acidic waters are now reaching the Continental shelf of the western US. The delicate ecosystem of the shallow waters produces a bulk of the oceans food supply and the micro organisms produce more oxygen than the Brazilian rain forest. Researches believe that the acidification is already effecting the coastal marine environment in a very negative way.
Acidified ocean water rising up nearly 100 years earlier than scientists predicted

Saturday, May 17, 2008

2008 Eastern Pacific Hurricane Outlook for Baja California Sur
An Almost Normal Year...Forecast Cyclonic Activity in the Eastern Pacific for 2008 (based on data through April 2008)

So, what does the 2008 Eastern Pacific Hurricane Season hold for Baja California Sur? Well, if anyone knew that for sure, they would make a lot of money working for insurance companies. Long range forecasts predict that this year will be slightly above normal for the period 1948-2006, but average for the period of 1970-2006. Statistical analysis according to the Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de México, puts this years environmental conditions close to the years 1951, 1955, 1975, 1999 and 2001. An anticipated 15 names storms will form in our basin with 7 being Tropical Storms, 5 Hurricanes (Category 1-2) and 3 major hurricanes (Category 3+). Overall, this forecast calls for 2008 to be a normal hurricane season due to the warming of the La Nina that has occurred in the last few months. It is important to note that the statistics for these forecasts is gathered between January and April, 2008. More...

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Empty Boat Beaches on Baja Coast | Que Pasa Baja
A fishing boat that had been missing off the coast of California since last Thursday has washed up on the beaches of Baja California. The 32' fishing boat Pelican washed ashore Sunday near Baja Del Mar and Rosarito Beach. Two persons had been onboard when the vessel left San Pedro, Josh Hartman and his fiancee, identified by authorities as Ana Martin. Baja California Federal Police and US Coast Guard will investigate. The search for the two missing persons has been discontinued.

Empty Boat Beaches on Baja Coast Que Pasa Baja

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Illegal Tuna Nets seen off Cabo San Lucas
Last year Mexico enacted new fishing limts and conservation laws. Many of the sportfishermen were utraged that the long liners and net fishers would still be allowed to take catches that would endanger the sportfishing industry. Unfortunately, it is likely that we will see further inroads into those areas thought sacred to sport fishermen. With increased pressure of demand for food world wide and decreasing catches in the oceans it is more profitable for boats to risk the fines or pay bribes to gain access to once off limit fishing areas. The Canadian board of fisheries estimate that commercial fishing will be done by the year 2049.

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